Florist Choice Vase Design
Let our talented Didsbury florists create a stunning, bespoke arrangement just for you with our Florist Choice Vase Design.
Drawing from our ever-changing, seasonal stock, our expert florists handpick the freshest blooms to create a unique bouquet. Expertly hand-tied and presented in a stylish glass vase, this arrangement is ready for the recipient to display at home.
Choose as a one-time purchase or treat yourself (or someone you love) to a Florist's Choice Bouquet subscription. Delivered weekly, fortnightly or monthly it's a beautiful gift for those who love fresh flowers in the home. Choose your bouquet size and delivery frequency and leave the rest to us. You can make changes to your subscription whenever you need to.
Each bouquet is made by hand and is bespoke depending on the season so the flowers may vary from those shown. These arrangements use flowers chosen by the florist, ensuring the freshest, most seasonal flowers available. Vases may differ from the ones shown.
Sizing Guide
Small: If you’re looking for a small bouquet or posy design to fit perfectly on a side table, a desk, or bedside table then this is the perfect choice with a balanced mix of smaller blooms and foliage. It’s one of our most popular sizes for a “thinking of you” gesture.
Medium: Our medium sized designs have room for more generous blooms. This is the perfect size for a kitchen counter or coffee table and is a popular choice for a birthday, graduation, or retirement.
Large: These bouquets are much more substantial in size with full blooms and foliage. They look stunning on a dining room table or make a statement in a hallway. They are an excellent choice for a milestone event such as an anniversary or birthday, or to send as a sympathy gesture.
Extra Large: When words are not enough our extra large bouquets are truly spectacular and nothing short of "wow". A luxurious and abundant use of flowers and foliage in our signature style, they are the perfect piece for an entry way, a larger centrepiece on a dining room table. They make memorable gifts for occasions such as Valentine’s, Mother’s Day or when a grand gesture is called for.
Product information
Your flowers will arrive ready to display, but will always benefit from fresh, clean water, mixed with the sachet of flower food provided.
Display the flowers in a cool, light location away from draughts, radiators, direct heat, sunshine or fresh fruit.
Refresh your flowers after 2-3 days. Remove from the vase and re-cut stems by 1-2cm at an angle using sharp scissors or secateurs and replace in fresh water in a clean vase.
As time goes on, remove wilting or dead flowers to avoid contaminating those still going strong or consider removing the happy blooms to create smaller displays around your home.